Sunday, October 21, 2012

Prep steps week 2

Week 2 Days 6-11 of Prep Steps™

Week 2!  Welcome back and thank you for all the incredible discussion so far.  If you have not had time to read through the comments from Week 1 or if you still desire to contribute to Week 1, go for it!  This blog is very flexible and meant to fit you, so make it yours at whatever pace works best.
Please have the courage to post your thoughts.  We can all learn from and challenge one another, even with one liner comments.  Also, encourage your friends to work through the process and post with us.  The process is rich and deep due to the peoplewho participate :)
For those of you who have completed days 6-11, feel free toshare your thoughts:

Day 6
First of all, did anyone actually try the 10 Minute Strategy?  Did you make progress on anything important to you as a result?  Are there any of you out there who did not try the strategy but will publically commit to trying it this week?  You have plenty of coaching sisters to hold you accountable here!

Day 7
How can we help our athletes grasp that activity does not equal achievement?  How can we encourage them to “work smart” (both in their training and in life)?

Day 8
Do you find that your athletes enjoy setting goals, or do they seem to fear the process?  Do you use any specific goal setting strategies that help them better execute the process?

Days 9-10
Which study tips do you see as most beneficial for your athletes?  In what academic areas do they need to improve the most?

Day 11
When setting goals for performance, compare focus on process thinking with an obsession over results.  What are your thoughts?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sorry had alot of typos had to change it. See below!!!

  2. Hi All,

    Day 6: Yes I actually did use the 10 minute Strategy. It was not some glorious endeavor but I have been putting off having a garage sale for 3 months. All summer I cleaned out every cabinet and closest and had crap in my spare room and garage that I wanted Out! I worked 10 minutes everyday last week getting everything organized, advertised and ready to have a garage sale this past Saturday. At 11 am on Saturday after three months of procrastinating it is complete and I can park in my garage again! I feel so accomplished by completing that little task. Spreading it over 10 minutes or more over 7 days made the goal or mission alot easier to handle. I now have a 10 minute strategy for cleaning my house every night after I put Brady to bed so that on Saturdays I have more time to spend with her and my husband.

    Day 7: The athletes now are always on their phones or computers and "waste" alot of time that they could be spending studying or being social with their teammates working on real communication skills. With my athletes I try to model working smart in my office or working planning my team workouts so that everything has a time and place. I also have my calendar and schedule of events for the work day and week so that the athletes can see it. I also help them with using their calendars effectively. Showing them that their iphones and ipad can be used to help them plan their days out so that there is time for what they think is important.

    Day 8: I know that i have not done this with my athletes. After working through the book I have seen some ways that I can help the athletes set goals not just in the weight room but in their lives as well. I have always set goals and it has worked out well for me hopefully I can pass this along to the athletes that I want to mentor.

    Day 9-10: The "You management Tips" are great!!! I really enjoyed reading these. I would add though to the study tips is learn how to outline the chapters working on. I was taught how to outline effectively in 5th grade and it help me organize all the important information and put it in to my words so that I could understand it. Before every class I outlined every chapter ready for class so that I already went in with study notes.

    Day 11: When setting goals I feel that the SMAC process is great! I really thought the last thought of Day 11 "make sure your goals rely only on the things that you can control." is a great way for the athletes to set goals that dont depend on others. Focus on the process rather than the end result. Make that big project look smaller.

    Thank you and look forward to more conversation. Encourage people to join in. This is a fun and exciting book.

    Michelle Diltz (Alabama)
